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"Shuddap. Shuttin' up."
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🕷 Hazbin Webring
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Have a question? Have fanmerch you want to alert me to? Have a fansite you want to affiliate with us?
Contact me!

🕷 Linkage
Listed at

🕷 credits
Index layout: itinerae
Pixel Arackniss: Vaniivampz
Pixels: Pixel-Soup
Pixel Safari
Fanart page layout: repth
Art: Vivziepop + Spindlehorse
Arackniss belongs to Vivienne Medrano, A24, and Amazon. This is just a fansite!
x Welcome!🕷
Fanart of the Month!
Artist: Rainydaydeer

🕷 Last Updated March 22nd, 2025
We finally have an addition to the fanfiction page! There's 4 new fanfics added from Crimehat! Please check them out, especially if VoxNiss or Nisslie are up your alley!

March 19th, 2025
Big fanart section update~! There was a number of lovely volunteers who didn't mind me submitting some art to the site for them-- please check them out! The adult fanart section also got a smaller update, but there's more art there now! Big shout out to everyone who volunteered-- it was the best Birthday Gift I could ask for! c:

March 13th, 2025
Quick 3.14 edit- Had to remove the form on the art submission page bc it just wasn't working for some people. Submissions now have to be sent in thru email. Sorry :(

I've added a ship glossary! I have one on the Charlie fansite, and I thought it'd be a good/fun idea to add one here, too, even if Arackniss has a marginally smaller amount of ships at present. It may grow come s2! We'll see!
The list itself is meant to be objective, so I haven't discriminated against ships I particularly dislike (which tbh, is most of them atm LMAO). I'm happy to add any that people believe may be missing! For now, I've done ships that I've seen more than once.

March 7th, 2025
The 18+ Fanart Page is finally up and running! I did my best to think of a way to make sure everything is flagged properly without being too obtrusive or just not having thumbnails, so I'm hoping this works alright! It's likely that fanart without any need for warnings will just be a standard thumbnail, so I think that'll make browsing easier as well. The 18+ Fanart won't be linked on the main menu on the index page, BUT it's linked through the standard fanart page!
The submission form for NSFW art is the same form for standard fanart. I've updated the rules on that page, and hopefully I haven't missed anything! If there's anything unclear, please don't hesitate to reach out and ask!

March 1st, 2025
Fanart page, FAQ, and fanart of the month has all been updated! You'll forgive me for using my own art this time, won't you? March is my birthday month, and I thought this piece was fitting for the party atmosphere lmao.
I'm hoping to finally have a NSFW section for fanart up by the end of the month! I'm considering how to ensure everything is tagged appropriately, so people are aware of what they're clicking. We'll see! Stay tuned!

February 21st, 2025
The About Arackniss page was simplified, and all the Arackniss trivia was moved to its own trivia page! We also now have a webring started for Hazbin fansites and shrines! You can see the widget in the sidebar, and clicking the logo will take you to the webring index page! There's only 4 sites at the moment, but I'm holding out hope that it'll grow!

The fun stuff page will also be updated soon with some more graphics, so keep an eye out if you like blinkies!

February 17th, 2025


February 11th, 2025

February 10th, 2025
Updated the fanart, and fanmerch pins pages! For the pins, a new items for preorder was added from Hamsuitstudios! There's a lovely Spider Siblings pin available for preorder; Be sure to check it out!

An Arackniss Week page was also added, with the prompts for this year, as well as an archive of previous year's prompts, starting from 2022. Please take a look! Arackniss Week will be held August 10-16th this year!

February 4th, 2025
Merch pages were updated to include some things that were missing! Fanart page was also updated, both with new art and a new header image! If you look at the left var on the index page, you'll notice the same picture: We were generously given a cute little Niss pixel!

The artist is Vaniivampz, and the gifter is Celestynia, also on Bluesky! Cesia commissioned Vani for it, just for the site! Isn't that sweet? Thank you both so much! I had to think about where to put him, but I think he looks right at home now! ;D

January 31, 2025
The fanmerch page has had a slight overhaul and has had 3 new pages added! There are now pages for Fan Pins, Acrylic Items, and Other Merch, all with pictures and links to the stores they were/are sold from. Most pictures are either taken directly from the creators/listings, but there are also a few taken by me from my personal collection if I was unable to find one. Listings with no physical photo will be replaced with photos of the actual item once available! If I've missed any items, or you've found one to add, let me know!
Next up on the to do list is (hopefully) a fic page and a chatbox, though I'm unsure of where to put it right now.
Fanart page has also been updated!
Dec 29th, 2024
Happy Holidays, and almost Happy New Year! The site has only been active since August, but the love its been shown means so much to me. Thanks to you all for swinging by and loving Arackniss as much as I do! I've got some more plans for the site come 2025, and I'm always happy to hear suggestions going forward. Obviously I can't and won't do everything, but I do want to make this place fun!
Future projects will potentially include:

I'm still taking suggestions and ideas will grow as time goes on, but I think that's a good start! I'll also begin working on a Charlie Morningstar fansite, so that'll be another sister site for here! Look forward to it, everyone!
Nov 23rd, 2024
As you can see, we have the Fanart of the Month feature! It'll remain at the top of this page, so it'll be highly visible! I'll be selecting an artist from the fanart page every month, so everyone has a chance to be featured!
Speaking of, the fanart page has been updated, with new artist SpSeraph, and more fanart from ShadowofTheCircus. Please check them out!
The news page has also been updated, albeit with merch news for the show in general.
Oct 27th, 2024
Added a few more facts with images to the 'About Arackniss' page! The news page was also added a weekish or so ago; Notable Hazbin news will be marked down there as I see fit, as well as any Arackniss related news... Though I don't expect us to have much of that just yet.
Fanart and Fanlisting submissions are still open! Even if you've already submitted fanart, consider updating your little section by sending in more!
Speaking of fanart, I'm considering adding a 'fanart of the month' feature to the main page...
Septemer 12, 2024
I've spruced up the fanlisting page! I've taken a few swings at coding from scratch and I think I've done alright for a novice. It's much easier to look at and navigate now, as well as properly explains what a fanlisting is. Please consider joining!
I'd like to make some more codes for the fanlisting, so I'll hopefully get to that soon. It's a little difficult since he has so little to go off of, but it'll be fun to try and figure them out. There's also been a second page added to the fanart section! I hope one day we can have more!
The News page very much still needs to be done, and I'm hoping to have a base down sometime soon. Too bad there's no news yet, haha.
August 26th, 2024
The fanart page has been updated! Please take a look and support the artists shown! Submissions are still open, so please don't be shy! But do patient, and do read the rules! I have to put in everything "by hand", so patience is very appreciated! We also have a sister site now! Please take a peek at the new Emily fansite, if you need a fix of your favorite seraph.
August 18th, 2024
Fanart page AND submission form have been added, as well as updated! News page has been created, but is still under heavy construction. Currently trying to decide if it's only Arackniss news that should be posted, or if broad Hazbin updates should be included. Time will tell! As for the fanart page, the submission link is available through a link on its menu.
August 15th, 2024
The fanlist page now has a link to a form page, for joining purposes. You can also see it by clicking on the web!
August 13th, 2024
Added the guestbook! Arackniss, gallery, fanlisting, and about me pages are active as well!
August 9th, 2024
This is the not-so-official Arackniss fansite, all about our favorite grumpy spider! the site is obviously still under heavy construction, so your patience as I cobble it together is appreciated.

I'll be trying to add and spruce up the pages as I go along, so if something is empty for now, please bear with me!

The over all goal for Humorless and Moody is to act as a fanshrine, and a sort of archive for Arackniss and his appearance, both in Hazbin's Canon, and prior to it. I'll hopefully be able to add a fanlisting page sooner or later, so other fans know where to look. Official merch will be added when he (hopefully one day!) has any. The fanmerch page will be updated asap!

Thanks again for dropping by! Arackniss may not appreciate it, but I do!