Welcome to the fanfic page! Here, you'll find links to various fan authors, who have willingly submitted some of their work involving Arackniss.
You can follow their links to to their profiles/sites, or click on the title to be taken to that piece of theirs directly. Please be sure to heed the ratings



Submission Rules

To submit fanfiction, please email sourspider@proton.me 💌! Please be sure to use the following format:


And include a link to said fic. Please give me an icon to use for your box here, as well! If you don't have one, I'll give you a random Arackniss image.


  • Arackniss MUST be the focus of your fic, or part of the main ship of the fic.
  • NSFW is accepted, but please be sure to heed the other rules and include any necessary warnings!
  • Ship fics are allowed, but incest will not be accepted.
  • Due to the nature of fanfiction, OCs are allowed as long as they aren't a main focus. OC/Canon ships are not accepted.
  • If you have read all of the rules, please include the phrase "spider beans" with your email. Failure to do so will result in your submission being ignored.
  • Platonic and familial fics are accepted!
  • All skill levels are welcome, but please do your best to ensure your fic is legible.
  • Please only send in 3 fics a week, if you wish to upload multiple! I am but one person.
  • Fics in languages besides English are accepted!