Welcome to the FAQ! This page is to answer any questions you may have about the site. To learn more about the webmaster, go here! To learn more about Arackniss, go here!

If you have any questions you'd like to ask, feel free to email your questions to sourspider@proton.me


Where did you find all this old art/info?

I use the wayback machine and tumblr to hunt for any instance of Arackniss appearing or being mentioned! I have spent literal (collective) days hunting for the things I've found out of nothing but love. (and maybe a little desperation.) I go back and check every so often for things I may have missed.

Why wasn't my fanart uploaded? Others' was!

You probably didn't read the rules thoroughly. Failure to do so will result in your submission being ignored. Please re-read the rules and try again. I can tell if you haven't read them.

Will there be a NSFW section for fanart?

Eventually, I think I'd like to add one. I'm just debating the rules and the like for it, since I feel like that requires more thought. What's too little? What's too much? I'm not sure when one will be added, so for now it's just staying a thought.

Why aren't OCs allowed in fanart or allowed to be a main focus in fics?

Mostly just to remain somewhat canon aligned haha. This is an Arackniss fansite, not an OCxCanon fansite, and I don't want the main fanart page to be overrun with OCxCanon when that might not be what everyone is looking for. I'm considering adding a page for OC inclusive works, but I'm also undecided with that. We'll see!

Why isn't incest allowed?

I just don't like it! It genuinely and earnestly squicks me out, and I'd rather not have to look at it/interact with it to post it here. I hope you understand!

Is other Dead Dove content allowed?

Yes! Atm fanfic is the only thing capable of it as I'm still deciding how to label any NSFW fanart, but everything will be labeled accordingly. If you don't like it, don't look at it!

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